Monday, 21 November 2016

The first garden

Welcome to my new blog "The Unfortunate Gardener". Why unfortunate? Well I took a video to track my tomato growth and I heard myself say "unfortunately" too many times. This is the first time I have tried growing vegetables and I am learning through my mistakes (and the internet).

This is not a "teaching" blog.... This is more a learning blog. Maybe you can learn something from my mistakes but I am hoping to learn more from everyone else. This is my gardening journal.

I am mainly gardening in pots as I find it too hard to get down on the ground and weed so I am keeping it all easy and contained so to speak.

I started with some herbs that my sister planted for me and have added to the pot garden with the following:


  • Tommy Toe
  • Wild Sweetie
  • Blueberry
  • Black Cherry
  • Ananas Noir
  • Wapsipinicon Peach
  • Jaune Flammee
  • Yellow Ripple
  • Red and Black (otherwise known as Indigo Apple)
  • Tigerella
  • Beefsteak
I don't know if it is too late in the season but I have also just planted seeds for Tiny Tim, Sunrise Bumblebee and Pink Bumblebee. (Will there be another unfortunately here ..... unfortunately I planted the seeds too late.......)

I will be tasting these to see what will be planted next year.

  • Jalapeno
  • Thai Demon
  • Trinidad Scorpion
  • Habanero
  • Yellow 7 Pot
Now I know that is a lotta heat - these are mainly planted for sauces except for the Jalapenos.

  • Crispmint
  • Mignonette
  • Celtuce
  • Baby Cos
  • Red Flame
As well as carrots, radish, Baby Broccoli, Mini Muncher cucumbers, sugar snap peas, capsicum, strawberries, parsnips and cucamelons. I have also planted a finger lime tree.

I am having varied success so I am going to post and see if I can get some help.

Things I have learnt so far:

  1.  Pots aren't pots. Size does matter - in the area of pots that is. I have planted some tomatoes in hanging pots and this may have been a huge mistake... 
  2. On the same note - just because you plant something in a hanging pot doesn't necessarily mean it is going to "hang". Beautiful mind images of trailing tomatoes don't work in reality with Tommy Toe "sigh".
  3. You can love too much.. Stalking your tomatoes should be a crime. I think I may have over-watered at first. It is so hard not to....
  4. To be a gardener you need PATIENCE....  Who knew you didn't plant a seed and then eat a tomato a month later. Just getting them to planting out time took longer than I thought the whole process would take 😁😲.
  5. Don't they look so cute when the do start to sprout and even cuter when the tiny little baby fruit come through..... 💓
Here is my back garden in video. I will show you the front garden in the next post. The "forgotten" tomato type is Wapsipinicon Peach. No wonder I forgot it - I can't pronounce it! 🙁. Apparently it has a slight fuzz like a peach - hence the second part of the name. Also the red and black tomato is known as Indigo Apple - not Indigo rose as stated on the video. Here is a You Tube link. The actual video was too big to upload here. 

Here is my first harvest of tomatoes - 2 little Tommy Toes.. How cute.

The little green caterpillars got the first couple - DOH!