Sunday, 7 January 2018

Spotlight on the Bumble Bees


This year I have tried a couple of new "artisan" tomatoes (whatever that means) - the Pink Bumble Bee and the Sunrise Bumble Bee.

These are wonderful tomatoes, plentiful, sweet, strong, pretty - VERY pretty and gorgeous.

These were my first 2 types to fruit and they have been providing me with an ongoing source of tomatoes ever since.

The Pink Bumble Bee won the Digger's Club cherry tomato taste test.... I still am in two minds if I prefer it or Tommy Toe. The pink is a glowing red / orange / pink tomato with a kind of muted stripe.

Both BBs form gorgeous trusses of about 6 tomatoes - most are oval / small egg shaped but some round as well.

The Sunrise BB is the most beautiful I have ever seen (although I there are many tomatoes I haven't seen). It is a yellow tomato and many of them have red blushes. I swear it glows.

I would highly recommend both of these - for yeild alone - but also taste, beauty and hardiness.

I purchased them as Seedlings from the Diggers Club.

Pink Bumble Bee

Sunrise Bumble Bee