Friday, 20 January 2017

Spotlight on ...... Black Cherry Tomato


This is a great large cherry sized tomato bursting with flavour and goodness. It is a strong bush and very prolific with lots of tomatoes on sprays of about 6 - 8..

Black Cherry is an unusual tomato and will be remembered for its purple/brown colour.... almost what you would call puce. The colour took me a little by surprise - I guess the brown look of it. I am used to red / yellow / orange and even blackish (being really dark purple) but this definitely has a brown look.

I found the bush to be quite resistant to disease - when all of my other bushes had early blight, Black Cherry was green and lush.

It takes about 9 weeks to harvest from transplant.


It is a sweet and tangy tomato that has a deep flavour. I am very pleased with the taste of this tomato and it has become a favourite.

Will I grow it again?

You betcha I will. If you buy grocery store cherry tomatoes, do yourself a favour and grow this instead. It will save you money and give you the satisfaction of biting into a delicious globe bursting with yumminess (is that a word?) instead of the hard bland cherry tomatoes you buy.

Seeds: The Digger's Club

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